While you may need other specialized skills to get the job, communication is a skill that can carry to any occupation. This post will cover several things you can do to build your communication skills so that you can maximize your opportunities.

How to Build Written Communication Skill
Writing is a skill that is developed over time. While some people will naturally love it more than others, the art of conveying thoughts and ideas over text will need to be practiced in order to grow progressively. Here are a few things you can do to better your writing techniques:

How to Build Verbal Communication Skill
Many jobs require you to talk on the phone, communicate with co-workers or customers, or even give presentations. If the thought of speaking to other people intimidates you, there are a few things you can do to improve your verbal communication.

How to Build Listening Skill
The art of communication is more than just writing or speaking for yourself. It is also learning to understand and acknowledge what others are saying so that you can act upon it. Listening is a form of communication that nearly everyone can improve. Here are a few ways you can work to increase this skill:

How to Build Non-Verbal Communication Skill
There have been many studies about communication, and it has been concluded that non-verbal communication makes up for 70-93% of total communication. Understanding how your audience perceives your message will help you communicate more effectively.

Tips for Improving Your Communication Overall
You won’t be able to improve your communication skills overnight, but every step you take in the right direction will strengthen them over time. Here are a few things you can do to improve your communication skill:
1. Prioritize Communication
In order to learn to communicate, you must make it a priority. Continually practice it in your speech and writing. Try to use proper grammar even when you are texting your friends. Practice making speeches in front of a mirror. Do not let yourself become complacent.
2. Ask For Feedback
Regardless of the type of communication that you are trying to improve, ask for honest feedback from your co-workers or friends. They can point out what you did right and give you tips on how you can improve.
If someone doesn’t understand what you have said or written, try to clarify in another way. There are several reasons why communication doesn’t work from time to time, but people appreciate it when you take the time to work things out with them.
3. Stay on Point
Try not to over communicate. Learn to stay on point and keep the message simple. People value their time. Strive to give them value when listening to you or reading what you’ve written.
4. Wait to Respond
Whether you are responding in writing or verbally, take a few moments to think through your response before you speak. This process will become easier over time, and you will be able to do it more quickly. When you respond, speak (or write) clearly.