This post will cover what regulations you need to follow when selling honey, where you can sell it both online and locally, as well as how to market your honey.
Can You Sell Your Home-Grown Honey?
Most people are able to sell their home-grown honey as long as they comply with USDA, FDA, and state regulations. These will also vary on what your primary goal will be, whether it is wholesale or in a much smaller operation.
If you want to sell your honey wholesale or online, you must register your honey with the FDA and your state health department. Here is a brief overview of what regulations you may expect (Please note that this is just an overview and not a full list of requirements):
How to Sell Your Honey Locally
In order to sell your honey locally, you need to ensure that you are following both the FDA regulations and your state’s cottage food laws. It is more difficult to sell to retail stores than other avenues. Not only would you need further documentation, but many of them prefer to work with vendors that can guarantee a certain amount of inventory over time.
That being said, there are ways that you can build your own local client base or find a place where you can sell your honey more infrequently. Here are a few things you can try:
How to Sell Your Honey Online
In order to sell your honey online, you need to ensure that you are following both the FDA regulations and your state’s cottage food laws. It may not be possible to sell your honey online if you live in certain states (such as Florida) without further certification.
How Much To Charge for Honey
Once you have figured out your strategy of where you will sell, you will need to package and label your honey, then decide how much to charge for it. Here are a few things you should consider:
Other Local Sellers
Check the prices around your area to see how much other local sellers are charging for their honey. You will want your prices to be competitive.
Packaging Cost
Don’t forget to factor in the cost of your packaging – both the bottles and the labels.
Shop Percentage
If you are selling your honey through a local shop, they will likely want to add a percentage to your price as an overhead fee.
Price By Jar Size
Many sellers will “discount” their honey depending on the amount sold per jar. This means that the price per ounce will be less if someone purchases 16 ounces instead of 4 ounces. You may be able to offload more honey this way with less work for packaging.
If you live in an area where you can sell your honey online, you will want to factor in shipping costs (or pass them on to your customers).